Conducted by Nada Prana

The session occurred at Nada’s center, Prana Space. We began the session by introducing one another, and Nada explained what she would be doing in the session. She told participants about theta brain waves, explaining how they are more present during healing, sleep, and childhood, when the subconscious mind is activated. She explained how her purpose of the session was to guide us to a state where the theta brain waves are activated, so that we could experience acceptance of previous painful experiences and growth needed to move forward and thrive. Nada also discussed the importance of our thoughts on our material lives, explaining the power of affirmations and positive thinking.

Part of the exercise involved forgiving someone or something that had hurt us in the past, and letting go. Nada then read out a list of sacred activations, which are a set of energy codes meant to clear one’s energy from negative thought patterns, beliefs, and blockages. Nada sent activations relating to healing the inner child, increasing self-love and self-acceptance, and setting healthy boundaries. Overall, this was an interesting experience where a different, less tangible, modality of healing was explored. It was fun and introspective. Overall, participants felt very relaxed after the session, and several of them expressed being deeply moved by the session.

About Nada:

Nada is a healing therapist, yoga therapist, and life coach specialized in Access Bars Healing, Thetahealing, Pranic Healing, Sacred Activations Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki, and Trance Medium healing. Nada previously worked in the humanitarian field, with a focus on gender-based violence and vulnerable groups such as certain children, women, laborers, migrants, refugees, and impoverished persons.

About ThetaHealing and Sacred Activations:

Sacred Activations® are a powerful healing energy that clears lower vibrational memories, thoughts & emotions that are located in the cells of your body, aura, & DNA. As the blocks are removed your body receives new, higher vibrational light codes, helping you create a new, more pleasant life. Sacred Activations do this by clearing your subconscious mind from negative beliefs & limiting programs all at once with each activation. They also activate your sacred geometry.

ThetaHealing® is a powerful healing technique. The theta brain wave is tapped into for easier access to the subconscious mind in order to release negative beliefs, patterns, and traumas that cause physical and psychological disturbances. Any topic can be worked on to accomplish positive changes in your life.


Reem Abu Kishk - Drama Healing