About Aman Space.
Aman; {Arabic for safe}, is an art and cultural space that forms itself organically through interaction, participation and containment.
Aiming to achieve a safe space that accepts us all and allows us to express ourselves, our bodies and differences- freely, safely, and with no preconceived judgement, discrimination or alienation; using art as a tool of expression and empowerment.
Aman uses the art to form a dialogue around perceptions related to the body and creating an art space to re-formulate privileges in a way that gives less privileged individuals a bigger platform to express and reflect through arts and culture. Through that, we can achieve equality from an intersectional angle, forming a cultural and artistic alternative/s to what’s predominant in Aman.
Aman Space also works on decreasing the gap between the non-normative bodies and the public spaces; claiming them, through consolidating the concept of consent, and stripping the stigma of its authority, and disintegrating gender in an interactive manner between individuals and space.
Upcoming Events.
We try as much as we can to plan ahead!, but sometimes end up coming up with an event within a day!
Either case, we post everything to this calendar. Make sure to visit often to stay updated on what’s happening at the space, {or you can always sign up to our mailing list}.
Some Of Our Previous Projects.
“A Space That Accepts Us All”
Contact us.
Whether you have questions, comments or just want to drop a greeting- we would love to hear from you!
Fill out the form {in either Arabic or English} and we will be in touch as soon as possible.